PCOS Platinum is a NEW premium, exclusive 3-month high-touch coaching program that includes our proven and proprietary 6-step method to help you identify and address the root causes of YOUR PCOS symptoms so you can finally gain control over your PCOS symptoms and maintain your success for a lifetime.

First cohort starts January 8, 2024


Before I tell you about this life-changing program, let's talk about who it's really for...

You've been diagnosed with PCOS and you are tired of feeling like you're the boss of your life in every area BUT your hormones. You value information and need to understand the WHY in order to make lasting changes, but you just don't have time to do the research yourself. Your medical team has been less than helpful when it comes to helping you truly understand your PCOS and even less helpful in giving you acceptable solutions. You're willing to make some changes and put in the work... but it has to fit into YOUR lifestyle and you need to see results in order to stick with it.

If you're...

  • Tired of one-size-fits-all, off-the-rack PCOS diet plans that don't fit YOUR lifestyle  
  • Not getting answers from your conventional medical team but completely put off by PCOS coaches hawking supposed miracle cures
  • Actively trying improve your fertility, actively trying to lose weight, actively trying to lower your long-term risks, or trying to get symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, hair loss, cravings, and weight gain under control
  • Aware that a custom, personalized approach to PCOS is the true key to long-term, sustainable success (and what's recommended by the International Expert Guidelines)

You're in the right place. I'm going to share with you how PCOS Platinum will give you the knowledge, tools, and support you need on your journey to lifelong, personalized PCOS management.

By the end of this program, you will...


  • Get regular periods without medications

    By addressing the root causes of PCOS, it's possible to shorten your cycles from 60, 90 days (or more!) to 30 or fewer days and confirm ovulation so you can identify your fertile window. If you're trying to get pregnant, that increases your chances several times over per year! And even if you're not, a healthy, regular menstrual cycle is a key sign of good health! 
  • Lose the cravings for good

    By balancing your blood sugar, you will feel less "snacky," not be hungry or thinking about food all the time, not craving carbs & sugar constantly, have more energy, and eliminate binges caused by underfueling throughout the day.
  • Feel confident in your own skin... and hair... and body

    Let's face it. One of the most unfair parts about having PCOS is that it affects the way you look. It's hard to feel confident when your skin is breaking out, your hair is falling out or growing where you don't want it, and you're too bloated to fit into any of your clothes. By balancing your hormones, you will have clearer skin, thicker hair, and less hirsutism. So you can feel more like the boss you are!
  • Lower your long-term health risks

    Did you know that women with PCOS are at a much higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, and uterine cancer? You don't have time to worry about these risks now, let alone deal with them. You'll learn how to balance your blood sugar, lower inflammation, improve your gut health, and balance your hormones so these risks are never something you have to worry about!
  • Confidently choose the right foods to support YOUR PCOS

    News flash: there IS no one right diet for PCOS. Because every case of PCOS is different. Different symptoms, different root causes (and severity of those root causes) different needs, different goals, different preferences, likes, dislikes, and time, money, and energy to spend. By identifying YOUR root causes, you will know for sure what to eat to feel your best, no matter where  you are — whether you're at home, stuck at the office, dining out, or traveling.
  • Feel completely supported with group & 1-on-1 support

    Research shows that those who have access to a dietitian and peer support while implementing nutrition & lifestyle changes are not only more successful at implementing the changes — they get better results! And this program gives you both with nearly 15 hours of face-to-face time with a PCOS expert dietitian!

Enrollment closes 1/8/24!

Payment Plan Options

Platinum - Course + Coaching

3 payments of $549


(only 8 1 spots available)

US only. HSA/FSA eligible.

Enroll & Pay Monthly

Platinum PLUS - Course + Coaching + 1-on-1 + Hormone Testing

3 payments of $879


(only 4 2 spots available)

US only. Not available in MD, RI. HSA/FSA eligible.

Enroll & Pay Monthly

Or, Pay in Full & Save More!

Pay-in-Full Options

Platinum - Course + Coaching

1 payment of $1497

(only 8 1 spots available)

US only. HSA/FSA eligible.

Pay in Full & Save

Platinum PLUS - Course + Coaching + 1-on-1 + Hormone Testing

1 payment of $2497

(only 4 2 spots available)

US only. Not available in MD, RI. HSA/FSA eligible.

Pay in Full & Save

What's Inside

You get...

The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™

A proven 6-step framework to uncover and address
YOUR root causes

I've taken everything that I've learned from helping thousands of women with PCOS learn how to identify and address their root causes to improve their symptoms and channeled it into a step-by-step framework that not only teaches you the WHY behind your PCOS symptoms but also tells you HOW to improve them. 

The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Helps you identify and address YOUR root causes of PCOS
2. Is taught by a licensed integrative registered dietitian
3. Is not a restrictive diet that makes you cut out all your favorite foods or count calories or macros
4. Is a comprehensive, whole-body approach to PCOS, not just focused on fertility or weight
5. Is based on real scientific evidence about what works for PCOS

So if you’re finally ready to take control of your PCOS symptoms without a restrictive diet, medications, or sketchy supplements...

Here's how we'll help you get there:

What's inside the program?

Learn what's really driving your PCOS symptoms like irregular periods, acne, facial hair, hair loss, fatigue, and weight gain. Find out why treating your symptoms like a game of whack-a-mole or slapping a bandaid like the pill on them doesn't work in the long run. Only by addressing the root causes can you finally gain control over your PCOS symptoms.

Module Highlights:

To understand HOW to treat your PCOS symptoms, you must first understand the WHY behind the symptoms. 

  • What is PCOS?
  • PCOS Types — Truth or BS?
  • The 4 main root causes of PCOS symptoms
  • Why diets don't work for PCOS... and why intuitive eating doesn't work either
  • My 6-step, 4-pronged approach to treating PCOS

75-90% of women with PCOS have some degree of insulin resistance. Find out why this makes PCOS symptoms worse and why you won't ovulate or lose weight until you get your insulin resistance under control. 

Module Highlights:

How to find out if insulin resistance is a problem for YOU and what to do about it.

  • HOW insulin resistance worsens PCOS symptoms — and how PCOS worsens insulin resistance
  • Eating for blood-sugar balance — why low-carb diets aren't the answer
  • Ideal meal timing for improving insulin sensitivity
  • What supplements and lifestyle changes help with insulin resistance?
  • How to find out if YOU have insulin resistance — and why normal fasting glucose & A1c don't mean anything
  • The most-up-to-date evidence & strategies for managing insulin resistance

In a vicious cycle, PCOS itself creates inflammation and inflammation makes PCOS worse. 

Module Highlights:

What exactly IS inflammation and where does it come from? Why it's so important to address in PCOS.

  • How inflammation makes PCOS symptoms worse — and how PCOS makes inflammation worse
  • Sources of inflammation in diet & lifestyle
  • The best way to eat to lower inflammation — and no, you DON'T have to cut gluten or dairy
  • Supplements & lifestyle changes that may help lower inflammation
  • How to tell if YOU have inflammation

You may not have realized that those pesky GI symptoms you experience regularly are actually linked to your PCOS. But if your digestion is not on point, your PCOS symptoms are going to be worse. 

Module Highlights:

What's the connection between PCOS and the gut... and what to do about it.

  • Common GI issues in PCOS — and what to do about them
  • Eating for a healthy gut microbiome
  • Supplements & lifestyle changes for a healthy gut — why it's not so simple as popping a probiotic
  • How to find out if there's something more serious going on

You may already know that androgens (male hormones) such as testosterone are responsible for many of your PCOS symptoms. But did you know that testosterone is not the only hormone affected by PCOS?

Module Highlights:

Fully understand what the key hormones involved in PCOS are, how to find out which ones may be problems for YOU, and what to do about them

  • Normal menstrual cycle hormones — and how they differ in PCOS
  • Sex hormones, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones, oh my!
  • Conventional & functional testing to identify hormone imbalances
  • How to troubleshoot YOUR hormone imbalances and address them with nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes

Take your approach to PCOS to the next level with these tips on how to customize the plan for YOU.

Module Highlights:

Learn the latest research on popular health topics in PCOS and learn how to experiment to know what works best for YOU!

  • How to identify your own personal carb tolerance
  • Intermittent fasting & meal timing
  • How to conquer binges once and for all
  • How to tune in to YOUR body & why emotional eating is not a "bad" thing
  • Should you wear a CGM? Try GLP-1 meds? Ins & outs of food tracking, and more...

Now that you've learned what the root causes of PCOS are and what to do about them as well as some advanced treatment approaches, learn how to apply the knowledge to your OWN life!

Module Highlights:

Learn how to take the information you've learned and develop a PCOS success plan you can live with for a lifetime

  • How to eat a PCOS-friendly diet even over holidays, while on vacation, or when you're too busy to even stop and eat
  • How to tailor a supplement plan for YOU and what to stop when (no laundry list of supps to take for a lifetime!)
  • Important diagnostic & monitoring tests to keep tabs on
  • Sustainable lifestyle changes — all the deets on sleep, stress, exercise, and environmental toxins
  • Building your PCOS dream team — how to find supportive and knowledgeable practitioners

6 exclusive PCOS yoga videos taught by PCOS yoga and nutrition expert Kendra Tolbert, MS, RD, RYT, with each sequence designed to align with the theme of each module of the course. You'll get one new video each week of the course!

Yoga sequences:

  • Module 1 - Blood-sugar balancing gentle flow
  • Module 2 - Calming and soothing yin bedtime flow
  • Module 3 - Digestion-supporting hatha flow
  • Module 4 - Hormone-balancing gentle flow
  • Module 5 - Poses to support you in exploring new directions
  • Module 6 - Calming and energizing flow to s

In the PCOS Platinum Program, you get:

PLATINUM OPTION - Course + Coaching

Most popular! Limited to 12 participants. U.S. only.

The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™ -  $1997 Value

  • 6 implementation modules with video tutorials that you can watch anytime, anywhere - lifetime access!
  • A complete, step-by-step plan to managing your PCOS once and for all by identifying and addressing YOUR root causes
  • 6 exclusive PCOS yoga videos by Kendra Tolbert, PCOS dietitian and yoga expert
  • Premium, step-by-step, dietitian-designed printable guides, tools, and worksheets to keep you on track - the same protocols and tools I use with my clients
  • 6 weeks of quick & easy PCOS-friendly recipes & suggested meal plans so you never have to ask "what can I eat?"


Plus bi-weekly live group coaching for accountability and support

Research shows that participants in nutrition and lifestyle change programs are more likely to stick with the program and achieve success when they have access to a registered dietitian and a peer support group, and in The Platinum Program, you get both!

  • 6 x 75-minute live group coaching calls to answer your questions and help you implement the suggested changes in the course - $897 Value
    • Call schedule: Tuesdays at 7 PM EST (1/9, 1/23, 2/6, 2/20, 3/5, 3/19); will be recorded if you have to miss a call 
  • Additional open office hours: Wednesdays at 12 PM EST (1/10, 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/6, 3/21) ); will not be recorded - $597 value 
  • Access to a private, in-app community for the duration of this cohort (1/8/24–3/31/24) - $297 value


Plus these BONUSES to help you take your PCOS managment to the next level:

  • Lifetime access to the Private Community just for members of my programs, so you have ongoing support & accountability even after the course is over - $297 Value
  • Multiple bonus modules on weight loss, fertility, fitness, heart health, and more! Includes PCOS Cycle Tracking, Fertility & Pregnancy, PCOS Weight Loss, Lean PCOS, PCOS Fitness, PCOS Stress Management, and PCOS Heart Health bonus modules and MORE - over $1000 value

Total Value: >$4,085



Or UPGRADE to the PLATINUM PLUS Program, to get:

PLATINUM PLUS OPTION - Course + Coaching + 1-on-1 + Hormone Testing

Limited to 8 participants. U.S. only, not available in MD, RI.

The PCOS Platinum Program - >$4085 value

Everything in the Platinum Program listed above

Plus one-on-one appointments and hormone testing for a personalized plan to supercharge your results

This option gives you one-on-one access to Melissa to help you personalize your nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement plan based on YOUR root causes. Recommended for those with additional medical conditions, complicated cases, or if you want access to functional hormone testing interpreted by an expert, this is the plan for you.

  • 1 x 60-minute virtual functional medicine nutrition assessment with The Hormone Dietitian to go over your health history and goals, includes review of prior labs - $597 Value
  • DUTCH Complete Hormone Test - the most comprehensive hormone test on the market - to evaluate sex hormones, adrenal hormones, hormone metabolism, key nutrients & neurotransmitters - $499 value
  • 1 x 60-minute virtual appointment with The Hormone Dietitian to go over your results and plan - $597 Value
  • Written test interpretation report and personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement protocol based on your results - $597 value
  • Private HIPAA-compliant DM access to Melissa between your 2 appointments - $497 value
  • 20% off any recommended professional-grade supplements
  • You will have the option to add on additional blood tests at an additional cost, if needed (eg, insulin, thyroid, gut testing etc)

Total Value: >$6,872



But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:


Enrollment closes 1/8/24!

Payment Plan Options

Platinum - Course + Coaching

3 payments of $549


(only 8 1 spots available)

US only. HSA/FSA eligible.

Enroll & Pay Monthly

Platinum PLUS - Course + Coaching + 1-on-1 + Hormone Testing

3 payments of $879


(only 4 2 spots available)

US only. Not available in MD, RI. HSA/FSA eligible

Enroll & Pay Monthly

Or, Pay in Full & Save More!

Pay-in-Full Options

Platinum - Course + Coaching

1 payment of $1497

(only 8 1 spots available)

US only. HSA/FSA eligible.

Pay in Full & Save

Platinum PLUS - Course + Coaching + One-on-One + Hormone Testing

1 payment of $2497

(only 4 2 spots available)

US only. Not available in MD, RI. HSA/FSA eligible

Pay in Full & Save

Enrollment closes:









"Taking the Course was one of the best things I have invested in for my fertility journey. You learn so much about ways to fuel your body correctly, tests and real facts about PCOS, and it’s packed with useful handouts that make implementing everything so much easier. By following Melissa’s methods, I was able to ovulate naturally within the first few weeks."

PCOS RCR Student

"Taking the PCOS Root Cause Roadmap helped me understand my symptoms, as well as real applicable ways to deal with them. I saw results within the first month (got a period for the first time in 6 months!), and since then have had another 4 periods all with confirmed ovulation! Which is HUGE for someone who only had one period the year before and has been trying to conceive! Melissa’s no BS approach to PCOS is what sold me. She’s blunt, straightforward, and doesn’t coddle you! Basically, if you put in the work and follow the recommendations she so thoughtfully lays out for you, you can most certainly expect to see results. "

PCOS RCR Student

"Three weeks in, my cycle is down to 28 days vs 38 days previously. I’m so glad I took the plunge and decided to enroll! And now crossing my fingers I’ll see that double line on a pregnancy stick! Melissa’s no BS approach to PCOS is what sold me. She’s blunt, straightforward, and doesn’t coddle you! Basically, if you put in the work and follow the recommendations she so thoughtfully lays out for you, you can most certainly expect to see results. "

PCOS RCR Student

"I’ve had my first normal cycle after one month of changes (89 days to 32 days) and I’m not even through the [program]! My cycles appear to be normal, my sugar cravings have practically disappeared. My acne is improving. Melissa’s no BS approach to PCOS is what sold me. She’s blunt, straightforward, and doesn’t coddle you! Basically, if you put in the work and follow the recommendations she so thoughtfully lays out for you, you can most certainly expect to see results. "

PCOS RCR Student

"Your health is so worth the investment and you can use this information for life..." I got my period naturally about 3 months after finishing the course and it wasn’t painful for the first time ever! My mental health greatly improved and overall my body feels so much better. Your health is so worth the investment and you can use this information for life! "

PCOS RCR Student

"I'm down 30 pounds and on my second regular cycle... for the first time in my life!" ... "I was able to ovulate and now I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant!" ... "I got my period at 35 days! So much better than 45-60!" ... "Thank you so much for this course! I had my first natural ovulation ever a couple of weeks ago and confirmed pregnancy via hcg yesterday!!!" ... "I started my period today on day 29 of my cycle! No wonder they call you The Period Fairy, Melissa!!! "

Other feedback from
Current PCOS RCR Students

Frequently Asked Questions

What people ask before signing up for The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™

The program starts on January 8, 2024. Bi-weekly group coaching calls start January 9 at 7 PM EST. Bi-weekly open office hours start January 10 at 12 PM EST.  You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course materials, so you can always go back for review or if anything changes for you.

You'll be able to watch the videos and complete the activities in approximately 1 hour per week for most of the modules. Group coaching calls are 75 minutes every other week and optional open office hours are 60 minutes every other week for 3 months. 1-on-1 appointments (Platinum Plus) are 60 minutes. Additionally, the yoga videos provided each week are approximately 20-30 minutes each. The more time you put in, the better your results will be!

A limited number of vegetarian options are included in the recipes and meal plans, as well as gluten-free and dairy-free options. Note that I do not recommend a 100% plant-based diet for PCOS because it is simply too hard to achieve blood sugar balance without working one-on-one with a dietitian. (This may not be as much of an issue if weight loss is not a goal.) You can always substitute in your preferred foods into the recipes.

This premium program was developed by award-winning integrative women's health dietitian and PCOS expert, Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, and is fully evidence-based and proven in clinical practice. It is NOT a one-size-fits-all plan but a completely customizable program with over 15 hours of face-to-face time with a dietitian to make it truly custom and give you the regular, personalized support you truly need to reach your goals.  It is an entirely different approach to treating PCOS than anything else you may have tried before. It is the ONLY program available developed and taught by a licensed registered dietitian that focuses on the root causes of PCOS as a whole and is not focused on fertility or weight alone. This hybrid group & one-on-one program is truly the ONLY PCOS program that gives you this much support in implementing your plan. In this program, you are truly more than just a number and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better!

Honest questions:

1. How much is it worth to you to have these problems solved once and for all?

2. How much is it costing you to NOT make these changes?

I hate to say it, but when it comes to nutrition education, you get what you pay for. This program was designed by an award-winning, licensed and credentialed PCOS specialist dietitian. You can be sure that everything contained within this program is the best, most up-to-date, most high quality information out there. Many of my clients have expressed frustration at the amount they've spent throughout the years on books, coaches, supplements, and even non-specialist dietitians that haven't helped them at all and say they wish they'd started my programs sooner. PCOS Platinum is approximately 1/4 the cost of working with me one-on-one, and PCOS Platinum Plus is approximately half the cost of my one-on-one programs. You CAN use your HSA/FSA card, if that helps!

I'm guessing you've been struggling with your symptoms for a long, long time. I'm not here to sell you some "miracle cure" that will undo all of that in just 3 months. Some symptoms respond faster than others. (For example, for my clients and for the women who've gone through the course already, skin tends to clear quickly; regular periods resume around 4-6 weeks; weight starts to shift after around 6-8 weeks;  hair growth or hair loss can take 6 months to a year of consistent action to even begin to show signs of improving.) Obviously, what you get out of the program also depends on your commitment to implementing the recommendations. I can give you the information, but I can't make you follow it. Personalized recommendations (as given in Platinum PLUS) can help you get there fastest.

The PLATINUM option includes 6 bi-weekly small group coaching sessions and 6 optional open office hours for 15 hours of face-to-face access to Melissa.

If you would like personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement advice, join the PLATINUM PLUS option of the course to schedule 2 one-on-one-appointments and get hormone testing done with Melissa.


Yes! This is NOT a diet plan. Additionally, any supplements discussed are clearly noted when they are not pregnancy- or breastfeeding-safe. The program is also appropriate if you are on hormonal birth control or you are menopausal. This plan is for anyone with PCOS at any life stage!

No. Sorry. PCOS PLATINUM and PLATINUM PLUS programs are available to participants in the U.S. only. Melissa cannot work with patients outside of the US due to legal, regulatory, and insurance reasons. Other online programs (such as The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™ alone) without access to Melissa ARE available outside the US

We offer this program 2-3x a year This cohort begins January 2024. The next round will likely be Summer or Fall 2024.

Still thinking about it?

I want to make sure you're making the right decision, so you can enroll with confidence that this is the right next step for you.

The PCOS Platinum Program is right for you if...

  1. Tired of one-size-fits-all, off-the-rack PCOS diet plans that don't fit YOUR lifestyle and make you feel like just a number
  2. Not getting answers from your conventional medical team but completely put off by PCOS coaches hawking supposed miracle cures
  3. Actively trying improve your fertility, actively trying to lose weight, actively trying to lower your long-term risks, or trying to get symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, hair loss, cravings, and weight gain under control
  4. You value evidence and research... you just don't have the time to sort through it all yourself
  5. You're afraid that PCOS means you're doomed to a lifetime of being overweight, dealing with symptoms like acne and facial hair, expensive fertility treatments, and diabetes
  6. You want to cut through the noise and fast-track your PCOS journey
  7. You know that a custom, personalized approach to PCOS is the true key to long-term, sustainable success (and the approach currently recommended by the International Expert Guidelines)
  8. You're ready to try a different approach — because you're tired of following random recommendations you read about on the internet that don't make sense for your life
  9. You can picture yourself in just 3 months feeling more energized, confident, and completely in control of your PCOS... instead of it controlling you (and the thought excites you!)

 Imagine yourself in just 3 months...

Really understanding WHY PCOS makes you feel the way you do and what to do about it

Having fewer cravings and eliminating those night-time binges that come from underfueling yourself

Having so much energy you don't even know what to do with yourself

Seeing brighter eyes, clearer, glowing skin and thicker, shinier hair in the mirror

Feeling less bloated and fitting better into your clothes

Getting regular periods without medications — and maybe even pregnant ?! (if you're trying)

Feeling 100% confident that you know how to eat for YOUR PCOS symptoms, which supplements are right for YOUR situation, and which lifestyle changes are most efficient and make the most sense for your life

I cannot wait to guide you over these next 3 months...

Helping women with PCOS reach their goals is my life's mission!

In working with thousands of women with PCOS in my practice and in my programs, I've honed in on the key nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement changes that not only make a real difference, but also are sustainable. Yes, I geek out over the latest research... but if it's impossible to implement? Yeah, no thank you. Who has time to waste time?

After working in NYC advertising for 15 years, going back to school to become a dietitian, and then opening my own practice... I value time above all else. My goal is to get you from where you are to where you want to be as quickly and painlessly as possible.

And I take so much joy in being a part of your transformation... I celebrate WITH you every confirmed ovulation, every regular period, every positive pregnancy test. And not just the big stuff but the small improvements too — I love seeing you win!

If you're struggling... I see you. And I'm here to support you in your journey.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside The PCOS Platinum Program! Once you're in, you're part of the THD fam forever.

All my best,

Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD

The Hormone Dietitian®

Melissa Groves Azzaro, RDN, LD, is

  • An award-winning integrative and functional registered dietitian specializing in PCOS, fertility, hormones, and metabolism
  • CEO & Founder of The Hormone Dietitian® LLC
  • Author of A Balanced Approach to PCOS and host of Hormonally Yours with The Hormone Dietitian
  • Creator of The PCOS Root Cause Roadmap™, The Period Problems Root Cause Roadmap™, and PCOS Meal Prep Made Easy
  • Past Chair of the national practice group, Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine

But act fast!

We start January 8th!


Enrollment closes









50% Complete

Two Step

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